

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, disability, dating, love and life! Hope you have a nice stay!

Sing While You Swim

Sing While You Swim


I may have invented a new way to increase your brain’s engagement while you exercise. I find that if I sing while being physically challenged, my brain is distracted from the physical stress on my body, and the exercise requires less effort. Perhaps the singing enhances our breathing.

My boyfriend Rex and I are musical people. We also love to swim together. The last time we were in the lake, I said, “Let’s think of songs about the water/beach to sing while we swim”. We sang “Under the Boardwalk”, by the Drifters, and “Jersey Girl”, and “Sandy” by Bruce Springsteen. Rex says I’m a Jukebox Graduate like the girl in “Growing Up” by Springsteen. It is true. I know the lyrics to an amazing number of popluar songs. As we were figuring out the lyrics, we swam in circles unaware of the time passing. The lake was practically deserted so we had no concern about the noise we were making.

The addition of a song to your workout will help the time pass, engage your brain in a complex way, cause you to breathe better, and add more fun. No prior experience necessary.

All Of The Minutes That We Are Alive

All Of The Minutes That We Are Alive

Waiting for The Sun That May or May Not Come Out

Waiting for The Sun That May or May Not Come Out